Tuesday, June 29, 2010

FAQ: How do I find the assessed value of my property?

How do I find the assessed value of my property so that I can determine how this bond election will affect me?

Click here http://beacon.schneidercorp.com/Application.aspx?AppID=135&LayerID=1603&PageTypeID=2&PageID=838

and type your last name in the "Name" line and "Enter." Click on the “Parcel ID” that corresponds with the property(ies) in your name. Scroll down to the “valuation” section to find the “Net Assessed Value” of your property.

You can then use the assessed value to determine the potential change in your property taxes.  Go to http://www.montezuma.k12.ia.us/ and click on "Bond Issue" in the upper right corner.  There is a property tax calculator for you to use.  Note that there are three different calculators - one for residential, one for commercial and one for agricultural properties. 

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